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Private Jet Hire

New York, Los Angelos, London, Paris, Cannes, Monaco, Portofino, Porto Cervo, Athens, Istanbul, Mustique, Barbados, Antigua

Our Services

Combined with our partners we recognize that every client has a choice when shopping for charter services. We also recognize that the way we distinguish ourselves from our competition is to deliver superior service and to provide state-of-the-art tools for our customers. Through our air charter network, we believe communication is the key to a successful charter relationship. Over the years, we have continuously improved the channels of communication with our clientele by developing a series of documents that ensure each charter customer has all the information they need in a timely manner and in a format that works for them.


Quotes are turned around within hours whenever possible. We realize that a lot of decisions regarding charters revolve around pricing. We know that our customers need that information quickly. Were possible we will approach the entire market and presents multiple quotes for each trip based on the requirements provided.

London TEL: 020 7580 3445 (Int'l ++44 20 7580 3445)
France TEL: 02 51 00 17 73 (Int'l +33 2 51 00 17 73); Fax: +33 2 72 68 55 73

For more information either telephone or to Contact

Copyright © 1998 by Surface 1921 Ltd., London, United Kingdom. Text Copyright © 1998 by Surface 1921 Ltd. In all instances Surface 1921 Ltd. are acting as agents only. Full terms and conditions are available on request.